Why are not all animals herbivores?
With the comfort of the modern food market, most humans will never have to kill an animal with their own hands or even see one dying. Once our life stops depending on it, killing an animal, for most is just as unthinkable as killing a fellow human. Why is it that I can feel the need to protect the soul inside these wild animals. I am aware that this soul might be impossible to see if it's a bear approaching you at high speeds.
Why do animals kill each other? Why are interspecies relationships different than the ones we idealize in human communities? In nature, why isn't every species either in symbiosis, using or in usage by another species. Why doesn’t all wildlife work in symbiosis? Why doesn't every creature get to experience fully, most spend the entirety of their lives in constant hunting and gathering. You could argue most of us do to, but we could one day save enough to buy food for the rest of our lives and just dedicate to live, wild animals can't do that. We also have these moments in our every day life where hopefully you have downtime in the day and are free to think.
Why is it that when we start to think, we start seeing connections between species. I wonder if this is a sign that we in fact have souls, inside the vessel of our body, experiencing life and will be released from the vessel at death. Where do these souls go? I'm sure the souls I feel in animals must end up in the same wherever, because I know that maybe we are not equals in this plane of existence, but something within tells me there's one where we are. Should we take that as a reason to treat them as equals since today? or does it mean we should embrace the roles we play in this plane of existence. There is not one single action that lead to the way the food industry is today. Generally it is the greed and competition that led to the overproduction of lifestock. We should always strive to instill good values or at least the avoidance of antivalues such as greed. However it could be said that this was just the natural way that humans unfolded as a species, and who are we to control that? It is clear that antivalues are common in humans, but it is also clear to me that humans strive for goodness in most cases. So which side is right? It seems that in this reality everything is chaos until it reaches a balance, there will never be a correct side and an incorrect one, the way nature works is balance, the coexistence of both sides or in many cases more than one side.